Plastic is one of the key contributors to the climate crisis and the use of plastics must be reduced to meet greenhouse gas emissions targets. The impact of plastic production is equivalent to the output of 189 coal-fired power stations and by 2050 will be responsible for up to 13% of Earth’s total carbon budget. Despite our efforts, only 5% of plastic is actually recycled, while 95% ends up in our land and oceans. The coffee industry contributes to this problem with over 59 billion single-serve pods disposed of each year.
The term compostable describes a material that disintegrates and biodegrades under specific conditions, in the specific timeframes needed by composting facilities. Composting is endlessly circular and transitioning to a circular economy is key to mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Unlike compostable materials, biodegradable materials may include petroleum-based polymers, and can leave behind microplastics which pollute the environment. Although intended as a solution to the problem of plastic pollution, recyclable plastic pods require inconvenient, multi-step disposal process, and only 5% of them are actually recycled.

Ecobeans uses only organic beans sourced from certified organic growers. Organic products are grown and processed using strictly regulated agricultural practices and processing methods, and are free from chemical fertilizers, toxic pesticides and genetically modified ingredients. These sustainable practices protect biodiversity, safeguard farmers from harmful chemicals, and benefit ecosystems and consumers.